Thursday 27 September 2012

Slings Slings... Glorious Slings..

And while I'm chattering, I thought I might write a bit about slings as I went to a slingmeet today. Before I even explain anything, I am too excited about this to leave it til later: I wowed someone with my bra!!  Not often you get to say that once 30 and married!  One lady had the exact same bra as me on; although it wasn't the exact same as hers didn't have nursing clips.  And another was impressed by my handiwork.  Yay to the sewing box.

So I am really talking about slings of course.  Before Rosie was born we did our research and learnt that high street carriers are not good for babies nor for mamas.  They hurt the wearer's back and the babies hips.  But in an expanding corner of the world, is a land of wonder for those who want the convenience and closeness of carrying a baby.

We bought a moby sling first; RED is my favourite colour, and we LOVE it.  Phil spent hours snugging Rosie  in this when she was little, while I slept and he played computer games.  It reckons it can be used up to 35lb, she is currently 17 and going strong.  We went to London the other day, with her wrapped in and just a rucksack with toys, snacks and nappies.  Easy peasy for the tube and she loved it too!

Next we bought the Ergo.  The beauty of this is that it is quick to put on as it fastens with buckle clips, but can be used for front and back carries.  Back carries are wonderfully comfortable, and it feels like a small rucksack on my back - but much warmer.  At the slingmeet today, which is basically a gathering of those who love slings, I learnt how to put her on my back by myself.  Basically I put her on my front like this picture shows - rather like you'd put a rucksack on your front but without dropping the baby out the middle, then loosen the waist belt and scootch her round to the back - holding the straps up at the top so she doesn't drop out.  Sounds hard; is actually quite easy.  Amazing.  I won't need to ask the man at the swimming pool to help me out next week now.

So, what I also learnt at the slingmeet today was how to wrap on my back.  Now I can't wrap with the moby as it is a stretchy wrap, and Rosie wouldn't be safe, as she could stretch out backwards and topple.  For this we need a woven wrap, which I think contains linen.  Think of a t-shirt and compare it with a jacket (kinda).  Phil doesn't seem to be restricting this next purchase, so I am going to go ahead and find my favourite - which might be something like this picture.  We will still need to find the funds however as they are not the cheapest, and I haven't broken that to him yet....

A Rosie Bag

After my first flurry of posts, I've gone quiet!  Is this a blogging trend?  I expect so, and I expect that there are also plenty of half started blogs out there, like a story with just the first chapter.  Luckily there have been some behind the scenes activity here - mostly in the form of a website I am building, which I will of course be showcasing as a "craft activity".

In the meantime I have been doing some real craft and finishing off a project I started a while ago - this Rosie Bag.  It will be for her toys and bits and bobs when we go out, and it is made in the style of those that her cousins tote.  It was really easy to make, and I particularly enjoyed the different textures I have added for her name.

On the subject of lovely textures:  how cute are these!!

More later, supper's ready.

Friday 7 September 2012

Deliciously Decadent!

Taken from Lorraine Pascal's cookery book, I wanted to share a picture of this Rocky Road Cake.  When I set out to make it I thought it was Rocky Road squares with a twist, as the book sadly doesn't show a picture.  But when I got going I realised what a splendid creation it really was.

Marshmallows, maltesers, biscuit and of course a lot of chocolate..what's not to like!

Buxom Boobs are Back!

I've been struggling with nursing bras for the last 6 months. They do a great job in releasing the breast to let the baby get to the milk but they are uncomfortable, unsupportive and unattractive - monoboob anyone? And worse still, for those who are well-endowed - they make you sweat and smell. Mmmm lovely!

So, without funds to spend on hard to find attractive and expensive ones, a brainwave! Make my own!

Simply chop the clips of an existing bra and slice the straps of the new bra (the scary bit!) and stitch the clips in.. Voila!

The First Post...


I've been too-ing and fro-ing about starting a blog for about a year now; and none more so since I had baby girl Rosie, who we call Button.  This blog will be tied up with my life and new identity as a mother, and much will be in the context of the shift of my focus from career girl to at home mum.  At 6 months into my maternity leave I am faced with the decision of returning to work or remaining at home; and I feel pretty certain that I don't want to enrol Button into childcare and return to the 9-5... or 8-7.. 

Since I have time and brain-space I've become more crafty than I was and I would certainly describe myself as a home maker, and a thrifty one at that.  I plan to add to this blog evidence of my crafty activities; thoughts and feelings about my home life and my beautiful baby (snoozing upstairs.. Well sort of - see pic) and the fruits of my labours if I explore a working in and out of the home lifestyle.

We shall see!