Thursday 11 October 2012

A big day for the blog, it was!

Well well, overnight I've become a literary success! Wait for it.. Two people commented on my blog. YAY!

It's hugely gratifying and I'm delighted with the encouragement to keep on. I feel like I'm getting into my stride a bit now with it, after those early weeks of trying to decide what sort of blog it's going to be and what angle to take, should it be a crafty one? A mumsy one? A cooking one? Or one of those all rolled up together ones? I think I've plumped for the latter as that is the most me of all the options. I'm now toying with joining mumsnet's bloggers network for inspiration and the community it offers.

Talking about community - the baby group yesterday was a bit pants sadly. I really wanted to support it, it would suit me as its local and I always think that we can't bemoan the lack of something in the future if we didn't use it when we had it. But I didn't feel it was worth going to. Very few attendees, all different ages and so-so direction from the group lead. A cold floor for the babies to sit on, and not many more toys than I have at home. Snacks and songs at the end were a clear highlight.

I spent a bit of time afterwards trying to articulate to Phil what I want from a playgroup and came up with the following-

  • Bigger variety of toys than we have at home, including ones I'm too cheap to buy or don't want cluttering up my home.
  • Structured activities such as stories, songs, messy play (when older), maybe snacks
  • Leadership - not necessarily a leader but a plan so that snacks don't arrive when everyone is putting their coat on thinking it's finished
  • Like minded people to talk to. In my case that is people who are baby led weaning or suchlike. And it's not that I mind anyone that doesn't do the same things as me and it's perfectly easy to have a chat with anyone once you've got a baby, but it's great to feel like you've had a two way conversation with someone and learnt something. I bore myself explaining what Rosie eats and how she doesn't choke or gag, and how milk is the most important thing until they are one. I want to hear from others with whom I can compare notes and learn something new to cook or try.
  • And finally, I want to feel uplifted when I come out. Phil summed it up well by saying that when I came out of baby sign on Monday it kept me stimulated for the whole afternoon, practising and learning and looking forward to next week, and I was on a high. Yesterday I wanted company and something new to try and I came out feeling lonelier than before, which settled on me like a dull mist for the rest of the day, not helped by Phil being late late back from work. Good thing Rosie kept me cheery by eating a huge plate of roast dinner!

But onwards and upwards, and we've got a friend coming round with her toddler and newborn today, so I'm about yo make my first ever batch of scones. Wish me luck!